PDF⋙ Tennessee's Radical Army: The State Guard and its Role in Reconstruction, 1867-1869 by Dr. Ben H. Severance

Tennessee's Radical Army: The State Guard and its Role in Reconstruction, 1867-1869 by Dr. Ben H. Severance

Tennessee's Radical Army: The State Guard and its Role in Reconstruction, 1867-1869

Tennessee's Radical Army: The State Guard and its Role in Reconstruction, 1867-1869 by Dr. Ben H. Severance PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Tennessee?s Radical Army, author Ben H. Severance draws upon a wealth of newresearch to argue that the State Guard successfully enforced the Reconstruction policiesof the Radical Republican government from 1867 until its dissolution in 1869.Historians have often accused Governor Brownlow of abusing executive power during hisadministration; Severance argues, however, that although it was a partisan law enforcementbody, the State Guard usually conducted itself with a high degree of discipline andrestraint. When it was deployed during the political campaigns of 1867 and under themartial law decrees of 1869, the State Guard effectively subdued the intimidation andviolence that ex-Confederates frequently used to suppress freedmen and to unseatRepublicans. Severance contrasts these two campaigns with incidents in 1868, when theKlan terrorized large portions of the state. The State Guard was not deployed in 1868,and both the Republican party and freedmen suffered as a result.In this first in-depth examination of the Tennessee State Guard, Severance describesthe militia?s origins, personnel, activities, and accomplishments, and he places the historyof the State Guard within the larger story of the hard-fought battle for Reconstructionin Tennessee. The result is a profile of an organization that became an important tool ofpolitical policy and a force that should have been used for a greater length of time duringthe period of Reconstruction.

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